In our local community, we plan to develop programs aimed at ensuring that at risk youth receive the support and encouragement they need to remain focused on their education and avoid the possibility that they may become involved in delinquent activities. Believing that education is the path out of poverty, our organization will work with local churches and community-based youth programs to offer mentoring support to youth. Our mentors will meet with youth that are at risk and provide them with inspiration and positive reinforcing on an ongoing basis, with a focus on pre-teen and teens.
Our mentors will meet with youth at community locations, wither one on one or in groups, to discuss issues that are relevant to their success. This will include, but may not be limited to, education, career exploration, money management, life skills, decision making, and more. All mentors will have undergone appropriate background checks to ensure the safety of all children served.
We also plan to conduct school supply distribution events at the beginning of w=each academic year. To this end, we will collect and/or purchase backpacks and school supplies which will be distributed to students from households in need. We will announce to the public the date and time of each distribution event, and invite families who are in need to attend and pick up needed school supplies for their children. Each child served will receive a backpack filled with necessary supplies. Backpacks will be distributed to families on a first come, first served basis at each event, until all available supplies have been distributed.
We also hope to target at-risk adult groups, such as single parents, the homeless, and those struggling with substance abuse. We will develop programming that is intended to support these groups, and ensure their upward mobilization. Planned activities include the distribution of food and clothing to those in need, mentoring and encouragement, college and career exploration, and drug and alcohol counseling and support groups. We also hope to deliver education in money management, credit management, and life skills.